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How will Gospel Gigs Help my Group?
It’s simple…

Gospel groups, local and national, from all
over the country, post their concert dates on Gospel Gigs. Once a
week, the fans receive an e-mail showing them the Gospel groups
that will be performing in their area. Not their state or their
region of the country, but in their very community, their city, and
however far from their zip code that they are willing to drive. They
set the preference of what concert dates they want to know about. And
when your group is going to be in their area……they will know
about it!!

If your group already has a website with an events calendar, that’s okay. You can insert the Gospel Gigs calendar into your website and you still manage only one calendar! It is an “easy to use” calendar that anyone can manage. The benefit to
you……your calendar is available on both sites and your concert dates
for the upcoming week will be e-mailed to Gospel fans. They
will always know when you are coming to their town!!

If your group does not already have a website, here is an opportunity
to post all of your concert dates online and let Gospel fans
know when you are going to be in their area!

Gospel Gigs provides you a web page with place for a picture of
your group, as well as, a place for a description of who you are. Start
adding dates to your calendar and begin enjoying the benefits of
Gospel Gigs. It’s like every Gospel group in the country
sharing their e-mail list with you! Whether you are a weekend
warrior or a full time national group, you have exposure to Southern
Gospel fans all over the country. Oh, I forgot one important
note…..It’s FREE!!